For this week - we've got some news. We have one baptismal date that is set for the 28th and we will have a great time! We have one more that will be in about two to three weeks...we are excited. I will get a chance to go to the Temple site again. So cool, and they are amazing people.
Man where to start...oh yeah, one of our investigators is going out of town for a few months. We will miss him. It's sad...he is a good kid.
Ok, silly again...a member was talking in church and she said something like, "This the church is true and perfect," and yeah I know it may not seem funny to you, but she was funny. She continued, "for example, the sacrament cups; we only use them once and the orthodox church uses one cup for years!" Yeah, we all laughed pretty hard, but she was really tired...really! She was up all night. We had a meeting with her that night, but we went to her place and nobody was home. We finished our day, went home and called another member, and she said that the woman went to her house, was talking, and 5 mins later fell asleep. They just let her sleep, and some time later she just wakes up and says, "The missionaries are going to kill me!" and started running to her place. But we had only waited 15 mins for her so we were long gone.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say there was a free Paul McCartney and Lenny Kravitz concert last week that I could not go to. Yeah, I wanted to, but its okay.
Pictures - They are of us doing service on Saturday and having a picnic that was ruined by tons of rain. It was great we cleaned up trash along a lake. It was lots of fun. I filled like 5 bags, but I think I did less than most of the people that were there. We had about 20 people show up and it did not take long at all. It was a total of about 5 hours for everything. It was cool, then after that we ran home, took a shower, went to 3 more meetings to do everything, and we did not have a real lunch, but it was worth it. The last pic is of a "Papa Johns" it says, but I've never been inside.
Ok and one more thing...I think we found a skin head out here that does not like asians...he was kind of a jerk. I've seen him one time, but don't think I will see him ever again, though all in all it was a wonderful week.
That's all you get this week - PAPA!!
Videos - my apartment from space, and our picnic when the rain came.
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