It's me, Elder Hokanson. We had Zone Conference again, and it went well.
Weird things this week - I was on my way somewhere and I saw a teenage kid going somewhere, and and it looked like he had on only underwear and a shirt, or just a shirt. I said to myself, "Put on some pants!" He was with some friends and then he ran across the street, and it turns out he had nothing on. That's a first for me.
We have been working with members a lot here, trying to get those who haven't been to church in a long time to come back. One less active man came to church yesterday! It was great!
Sorry this is so short, but this Internet place is dang slow today. I am already going over time.
My pics - First one is of me in the metro, waiting for the train. The second is my companion, walking by the lake thingy by our apartment. The last is of the escalator going up from the's way far underground!
So, I am off for today. I will talk to you later, next week!
I love you all!